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Have you ever called
on Jesus for salvation?

Have you received God's forgiveness for your sins?

  Do you know for certain where you will spend eternity? 

Here is God's Plan of Salvation:

          1.  Admit You Are A Sinner.

                Romans 3:23  "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."


          2.  Know That There Is A Penalty For Sin.

                Romans 6:23  "The wages of sin is death."


          3.  Realize You cannot Save Yourself.

                Titus 3:5  " Not by works of righteousness which we have done."


          4.  Salvation Has been Provided.

                 John 3:16    " God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten son."

                 Romans 6:23  "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ."


          5.  The Conditions Are Clear.

                Repent:  Luke 13:3  "Except you repent you will perish." 

                Believe:  Acts 16:31  "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.'

                Call:  Romans 10:13  "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."


          6.  Now Is The Time For A Decision.

                2 Corinthians 6:2   "Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation."



The Christian life is the ultimate in living.  Let us talk with you about the next steps in Living with God and Living for God.


To speak with someone about the Plan of Salvation, call 615-529-2674 or email

Contact Information:

101 Locust Street

Alexandria, TN. 37012

Phone:  615.529.2674


Service Times:


Sunday School - 9:00 am
Worship & the Word - 10:00 am
Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening - 6:00 pm

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